Wednesday, July 21, 2010

You know what I mean?

Why is it that the littlest things cause the biggest nightmares and cause for concern? It's just par for the course of life I guess. But what about those things that make you want to blow a gasket or just snap! Here are some examples I've experienced. Perhaps you or someone you can know can relate:

• It's 10:00 a.m. on a typical Tuesday in So Cal. Why does CalTrans deem it necessary to do sweeper runs on the 210 fwy (westbound). Do they really enjoy traffic snarls between Monrovia and Pasadena that much? Don't let them Snooker you, they know what madness they are causing!

• Someone asks you for help and when you give it to them, they get an attitude about the manner in which you assisted or aided them. ( No concrete example b/c it's not needed!)

• Coverage of world's affairs and current events get reduced to a fine print 7 point font bottomline scroll while the latest scandal clad, sensationalized gossip stories get all the coverage! (Thank God for Pacifica radio programming [KPFK,KPFA] and the other fearless few stations streaming throughout the world as beacons of truth , justice, & light.)

•The sense of entitlement felt by those who haven't done anything to deserve any merit!

• People who really just don't get it! How can they still exist in this century?

• Why do we (as a society) continue to broaden the divides between us while narrowing the bridges that connect us to each other and the places that we want to go?

• Fast Food restaurants keep pimpin' Super-sizes portions despite the documentary and the alarming amount of obese people hanging out all over the place. The lack a moral business conscience in this capitalist country is absurd! It only leads to greed and avarice from both sides. Not only are the company stock holders stuffing their pockets with cash, but so are the people stuffing their faces & bodies with this unhealthy junk! Who REALLY needs 64 oz of soda to wash down 1 lb of potatoes and oil and 3/4 of a pound of flesh?

• Why injustices like the one suffered by Oscar Brown still occur makes absolutely no sense to me or most civilized people. If you don't think killing elements of our society isn't institutionalized and brainwashed in the mindset of those responsible for "protecting & serving" then, one should really wake up and smell the TAR! Cause it's burning again! HELLO!!!!!!!!! We are still in America and we're just a few decades removed from some really evil remembrances of past sins and guilt that a lot of people would not like the light cast upon. Imagine if TMZ existed way back in the day how much stuff would be public knowledge...hmmmn

• The Gulf oil debacle really took nearly 90 days to fix? At least it wasn't 180 or 365, I guess...That's an awfully long time to let a broken artery hemorage without applying a tourniquet?

• Here's one last thought? Are we sure our elected officials are competent? Check out the city of Bell, CA