Welcome to the Wild Wild West! If you didn't know you were in it, then you'd better wake up and pay attention because it's real.
Californians are notoriously good at breaking the rules. The latest is our blatant disrespect of the no talking/texting rule while driving. Yeah right! If the police who are supposed to enforce the laws are guilty themselves and often times the biggest culprits, then how does one really expect the rest of us to abide by the law. I'm not claiming to be an angel because I am guilty too, but the fact that we just break the laws without much consideration of consequence suggests that maybe we shouldn't even have this law (or any others that society at large has decided makes no sense).
For example, let's examine some other typical laws that are for the most part ignored:
• driving 65mph or (heaven's forbid 55mph) on a highway
• DUI...Need I say more!?
• Any Narcotics law
• Gun laws? (depends on the state)
Let me stop there and say that I am not condoning the breaking of the laws by any means! My point is simply mollify some of the existing laws so they are more user friendly. If the laws truly make sense and the punishment merits great consequence, then people will respect them and obey them. This will create an immediate cause and effect scenario. One resultant effect will be less money spent on policing these "minor" crimes which have a MAJOR effect on the population numbers in the penal system. This leads to another effect; fewer prisoners [potential]. There are many positives to having some 21st century law reform.
We have evolved as people over time and our technology evolves every hour. Since we move at a faster pace and since there are more of us moving around, we must be able to commute more efficiently. Rush hour [both A.M. & P.M.] are hellacious in Los Angeles and any other major city or thoroughfare. Partly do to our antiquated concepts of "safe" speed travel. In certain places, the speed limits are 70 mph and 75 mph...Traffic moves! Fatalities I'm guessing are no more than a 65 mph zone.
My suggestion for better and safer traffic flow is to create a national highway from East-West and one that intersects in the midpoint at perpendicular axis to form the North-South junction. This passageway would be only for trucks and tractor trailers. If trucks needed to get to other points not accessible by the national truck highway, then they could take feeder roads or alternate routes.
The goal is to simply remove a larger number of vehicles from the present metropolitan areas so that people are better able to utilize the HOV lanes and with more open space.. As someone who drives a lot by profession, I hear reports mostly about traffic fatalities between a truck and an automobile. Simple science; take one of the factors out of the equation to solve the problem.
I do not wish to debate the pros and cons at this moment, but instead would rather just get the conversation started. Perhaps Pres. Obama will get wind of it and get on board. It starts with us! Government by the people for the people!