Before I throw a stone, let me say I am not omniscient, perfect, or all that...But, I do have pretty good common sense. What I don't quite understand is how an ordained minister is planning on breaking a "golden rule" and potentially unleashing hell upon himself and local church community. But after listening to this him speak, I realized he does not know the Golden rule!
Simply by being born an American, we are each granted certain inalienable rights that I must add have been systematically stripped from us since 2001. Among those rights are freedom of expression and speech as well as freedom from religious persecution. Or so it seemed until Pastor Jones declared a Qur'an burning on 9/11/10...
This simple act of stupidity could insight jihad! His utterly ridiculous thought processing that he has allowed to escape through his lips and upon the ears of his parishioners, goes against the basic concept of Christian philosophy. As most people with any kind of normal processing has suggested, he should step back! He has admitted to receiving death threats and now carries a gun. What point are you really trying to prove man? It had really better be worth it!
The Dove World Outreach Center is wrong! Jones is a hypocrite and about as sharp as W. on a good day! If you don't believe me, just watch Anderson Cooper 9/7/10 or go to I'm not an A.C. homer, but I am thankful he exposed this bigoted idiot!
If you feel I am being harsh, SORRY! I am entitled to speak my mind just like he's doing. The biggest fires only take a spark. As a student of history, it looks like this powder keg is ready to blow and this fool Jones could be the match of hate. The worst part of all of this is his justification of his impending actions are rooted and based on his bible's teachings and his broadly loose interpretations of it.
Everyone is entitled to his/her beliefs and convictions, but purposefully endangering the lives of troops and fellow American citizens should be just cause to lock him up before 9/11. Don't wait to say "I told you" the next day or have Jim Rome drop the famous "Uh Oh" voice byte by Don King. (If you don't know to what I am referring, google Carl Lewis sings National Anthem...self explanatory!) He's not right! On all levels! {lease stop the lunacy now! Don't let it continue and spread to other places. At that point America is no better than we were pre 1969! We're all supposed to be free and equal right?! We can't afford to go back to that primal mindset! In the words of my God-Father, the Rev. James Forbes jr., in his book Whose Gospel, this is no time for Foolishness!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
You know what I mean?
Why is it that the littlest things cause the biggest nightmares and cause for concern? It's just par for the course of life I guess. But what about those things that make you want to blow a gasket or just snap! Here are some examples I've experienced. Perhaps you or someone you can know can relate:
• It's 10:00 a.m. on a typical Tuesday in So Cal. Why does CalTrans deem it necessary to do sweeper runs on the 210 fwy (westbound). Do they really enjoy traffic snarls between Monrovia and Pasadena that much? Don't let them Snooker you, they know what madness they are causing!
• Someone asks you for help and when you give it to them, they get an attitude about the manner in which you assisted or aided them. ( No concrete example b/c it's not needed!)
• Coverage of world's affairs and current events get reduced to a fine print 7 point font bottomline scroll while the latest scandal clad, sensationalized gossip stories get all the coverage! (Thank God for Pacifica radio programming [KPFK,KPFA] and the other fearless few stations streaming throughout the world as beacons of truth , justice, & light.)
•The sense of entitlement felt by those who haven't done anything to deserve any merit!
• People who really just don't get it! How can they still exist in this century?
• Why do we (as a society) continue to broaden the divides between us while narrowing the bridges that connect us to each other and the places that we want to go?
• Fast Food restaurants keep pimpin' Super-sizes portions despite the documentary and the alarming amount of obese people hanging out all over the place. The lack a moral business conscience in this capitalist country is absurd! It only leads to greed and avarice from both sides. Not only are the company stock holders stuffing their pockets with cash, but so are the people stuffing their faces & bodies with this unhealthy junk! Who REALLY needs 64 oz of soda to wash down 1 lb of potatoes and oil and 3/4 of a pound of flesh?
• Why injustices like the one suffered by Oscar Brown still occur makes absolutely no sense to me or most civilized people. If you don't think killing elements of our society isn't institutionalized and brainwashed in the mindset of those responsible for "protecting & serving" then, one should really wake up and smell the TAR! Cause it's burning again! HELLO!!!!!!!!! We are still in America and we're just a few decades removed from some really evil remembrances of past sins and guilt that a lot of people would not like the light cast upon. Imagine if TMZ existed way back in the day how much stuff would be public knowledge...hmmmn
• The Gulf oil debacle really took nearly 90 days to fix? At least it wasn't 180 or 365, I guess...That's an awfully long time to let a broken artery hemorage without applying a tourniquet?
• Here's one last thought? Are we sure our elected officials are competent? Check out the city of Bell, CA
• It's 10:00 a.m. on a typical Tuesday in So Cal. Why does CalTrans deem it necessary to do sweeper runs on the 210 fwy (westbound). Do they really enjoy traffic snarls between Monrovia and Pasadena that much? Don't let them Snooker you, they know what madness they are causing!
• Someone asks you for help and when you give it to them, they get an attitude about the manner in which you assisted or aided them. ( No concrete example b/c it's not needed!)
• Coverage of world's affairs and current events get reduced to a fine print 7 point font bottomline scroll while the latest scandal clad, sensationalized gossip stories get all the coverage! (Thank God for Pacifica radio programming [KPFK,KPFA] and the other fearless few stations streaming throughout the world as beacons of truth , justice, & light.)
•The sense of entitlement felt by those who haven't done anything to deserve any merit!
• People who really just don't get it! How can they still exist in this century?
• Why do we (as a society) continue to broaden the divides between us while narrowing the bridges that connect us to each other and the places that we want to go?
• Fast Food restaurants keep pimpin' Super-sizes portions despite the documentary and the alarming amount of obese people hanging out all over the place. The lack a moral business conscience in this capitalist country is absurd! It only leads to greed and avarice from both sides. Not only are the company stock holders stuffing their pockets with cash, but so are the people stuffing their faces & bodies with this unhealthy junk! Who REALLY needs 64 oz of soda to wash down 1 lb of potatoes and oil and 3/4 of a pound of flesh?
• Why injustices like the one suffered by Oscar Brown still occur makes absolutely no sense to me or most civilized people. If you don't think killing elements of our society isn't institutionalized and brainwashed in the mindset of those responsible for "protecting & serving" then, one should really wake up and smell the TAR! Cause it's burning again! HELLO!!!!!!!!! We are still in America and we're just a few decades removed from some really evil remembrances of past sins and guilt that a lot of people would not like the light cast upon. Imagine if TMZ existed way back in the day how much stuff would be public knowledge...hmmmn
• The Gulf oil debacle really took nearly 90 days to fix? At least it wasn't 180 or 365, I guess...That's an awfully long time to let a broken artery hemorage without applying a tourniquet?
• Here's one last thought? Are we sure our elected officials are competent? Check out the city of Bell, CA
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Give the Drummer Some!

The Man who really introduced me to drumming, just flew away... My "Uncle Willie" passed away last month. Ironically it was the same weekend that we lost Francisco Aguabella (1925-2010) and Lena Horne. Somone once told me, "Death comes in three's."
I think I see what they mean.
Willie Lawrence sent me first snare drum, gave me my first drum books (books by the way that I still have and use today with my students), and he gave me my first opportunity to play on a professional stage and get a taste of what it felt like! He was a great man!
He was a successful and skilled Army musician. He prepared and composed cadences for high school and college marching bands. Most importantly to me, he married my Aunt Mary and became part of our family.
Without a doubt he's had the greatest musical influence on me thus far in my life. I'll miss you man! Your memory and spirit and crazy wit will forever be a part of me and whenever I play, you know it's for you too!
Ashe, Ashe, Ashe
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
21st Century Law reform
Welcome to the Wild Wild West! If you didn't know you were in it, then you'd better wake up and pay attention because it's real.
Californians are notoriously good at breaking the rules. The latest is our blatant disrespect of the no talking/texting rule while driving. Yeah right! If the police who are supposed to enforce the laws are guilty themselves and often times the biggest culprits, then how does one really expect the rest of us to abide by the law. I'm not claiming to be an angel because I am guilty too, but the fact that we just break the laws without much consideration of consequence suggests that maybe we shouldn't even have this law (or any others that society at large has decided makes no sense).
For example, let's examine some other typical laws that are for the most part ignored:
• driving 65mph or (heaven's forbid 55mph) on a highway
• DUI...Need I say more!?
• Any Narcotics law
• Gun laws? (depends on the state)
Let me stop there and say that I am not condoning the breaking of the laws by any means! My point is simply mollify some of the existing laws so they are more user friendly. If the laws truly make sense and the punishment merits great consequence, then people will respect them and obey them. This will create an immediate cause and effect scenario. One resultant effect will be less money spent on policing these "minor" crimes which have a MAJOR effect on the population numbers in the penal system. This leads to another effect; fewer prisoners [potential]. There are many positives to having some 21st century law reform.
We have evolved as people over time and our technology evolves every hour. Since we move at a faster pace and since there are more of us moving around, we must be able to commute more efficiently. Rush hour [both A.M. & P.M.] are hellacious in Los Angeles and any other major city or thoroughfare. Partly do to our antiquated concepts of "safe" speed travel. In certain places, the speed limits are 70 mph and 75 mph...Traffic moves! Fatalities I'm guessing are no more than a 65 mph zone.
My suggestion for better and safer traffic flow is to create a national highway from East-West and one that intersects in the midpoint at perpendicular axis to form the North-South junction. This passageway would be only for trucks and tractor trailers. If trucks needed to get to other points not accessible by the national truck highway, then they could take feeder roads or alternate routes.
The goal is to simply remove a larger number of vehicles from the present metropolitan areas so that people are better able to utilize the HOV lanes and with more open space.. As someone who drives a lot by profession, I hear reports mostly about traffic fatalities between a truck and an automobile. Simple science; take one of the factors out of the equation to solve the problem.
I do not wish to debate the pros and cons at this moment, but instead would rather just get the conversation started. Perhaps Pres. Obama will get wind of it and get on board. It starts with us! Government by the people for the people!
Californians are notoriously good at breaking the rules. The latest is our blatant disrespect of the no talking/texting rule while driving. Yeah right! If the police who are supposed to enforce the laws are guilty themselves and often times the biggest culprits, then how does one really expect the rest of us to abide by the law. I'm not claiming to be an angel because I am guilty too, but the fact that we just break the laws without much consideration of consequence suggests that maybe we shouldn't even have this law (or any others that society at large has decided makes no sense).
For example, let's examine some other typical laws that are for the most part ignored:
• driving 65mph or (heaven's forbid 55mph) on a highway
• DUI...Need I say more!?
• Any Narcotics law
• Gun laws? (depends on the state)
Let me stop there and say that I am not condoning the breaking of the laws by any means! My point is simply mollify some of the existing laws so they are more user friendly. If the laws truly make sense and the punishment merits great consequence, then people will respect them and obey them. This will create an immediate cause and effect scenario. One resultant effect will be less money spent on policing these "minor" crimes which have a MAJOR effect on the population numbers in the penal system. This leads to another effect; fewer prisoners [potential]. There are many positives to having some 21st century law reform.
We have evolved as people over time and our technology evolves every hour. Since we move at a faster pace and since there are more of us moving around, we must be able to commute more efficiently. Rush hour [both A.M. & P.M.] are hellacious in Los Angeles and any other major city or thoroughfare. Partly do to our antiquated concepts of "safe" speed travel. In certain places, the speed limits are 70 mph and 75 mph...Traffic moves! Fatalities I'm guessing are no more than a 65 mph zone.
My suggestion for better and safer traffic flow is to create a national highway from East-West and one that intersects in the midpoint at perpendicular axis to form the North-South junction. This passageway would be only for trucks and tractor trailers. If trucks needed to get to other points not accessible by the national truck highway, then they could take feeder roads or alternate routes.
The goal is to simply remove a larger number of vehicles from the present metropolitan areas so that people are better able to utilize the HOV lanes and with more open space.. As someone who drives a lot by profession, I hear reports mostly about traffic fatalities between a truck and an automobile. Simple science; take one of the factors out of the equation to solve the problem.
I do not wish to debate the pros and cons at this moment, but instead would rather just get the conversation started. Perhaps Pres. Obama will get wind of it and get on board. It starts with us! Government by the people for the people!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
The South Park Effect
In the immortal words from a legendary Jim Rome soundbite, "Uh Oh!" As the protests and jeers mounted in response to last night's "controversial" airing of South Park, the effects of a previously aired episode became apparent.
A few weeks ago, South Park aired! an episode about FaceBook and how overly addictive and consuming it has become to most Americans. It's like a hot drug! To the point FB recently changed their "Fan" Pages to "Like" Pages. I guess in this overly competitive and capitalistic world, they figured before someone dies as a result of FB (i.e. Myspace), they've better reduce temptation.
Perhaps this is no big deal. Maybe I'm just reading too much into it. Afterall, I don't remember it being a trending topic on Twitter. What else could have prompted them to act in such a manner? I only blog about this b/c I thought it was too coincidental. What do you think?
One thing we know for sure, Animated comedy programs are quite popular and have replaced the standup comic as the social critic and social commentary satirist. I guess it makes since given the broad scope and reach of TV and syndication, but I miss funny old men like Redd Foxx & Richard Pryor who would tell it like it is. Today unfortunately, many of the comics are in it to get a movie deal, or host gig. Often times largely unaware of their true social significance and place in our community at large. Instead we get a lot of regurgitated jokes that are more
worn out than a homeless person's shoes.
A great comedian has the ability to make one see themselves through the comedian. This is no easy feat. It is a natural gift that only a handful of people possess. Our shining comedic beacon of light, shown for just 3 network seasons; (before stepping into a self imposed hiatus) Long enough to galvanize the masses. I need not type any letters of his name, because "If you know, then you already know", If not, "You'd better Ask Somebody!"
In the end, FB is a cool tool, but should not be solely relied upon as one's primary Web "shoe shine box" pulpit. A personalized website works much better! I can recommend several excellent designers whose prices will hopefully fit your budget. Please see the attached links.
A few weeks ago, South Park aired! an episode about FaceBook and how overly addictive and consuming it has become to most Americans. It's like a hot drug! To the point FB recently changed their "Fan" Pages to "Like" Pages. I guess in this overly competitive and capitalistic world, they figured before someone dies as a result of FB (i.e. Myspace), they've better reduce temptation.
Perhaps this is no big deal. Maybe I'm just reading too much into it. Afterall, I don't remember it being a trending topic on Twitter. What else could have prompted them to act in such a manner? I only blog about this b/c I thought it was too coincidental. What do you think?
One thing we know for sure, Animated comedy programs are quite popular and have replaced the standup comic as the social critic and social commentary satirist. I guess it makes since given the broad scope and reach of TV and syndication, but I miss funny old men like Redd Foxx & Richard Pryor who would tell it like it is. Today unfortunately, many of the comics are in it to get a movie deal, or host gig. Often times largely unaware of their true social significance and place in our community at large. Instead we get a lot of regurgitated jokes that are more
worn out than a homeless person's shoes.
A great comedian has the ability to make one see themselves through the comedian. This is no easy feat. It is a natural gift that only a handful of people possess. Our shining comedic beacon of light, shown for just 3 network seasons; (before stepping into a self imposed hiatus) Long enough to galvanize the masses. I need not type any letters of his name, because "If you know, then you already know", If not, "You'd better Ask Somebody!"
In the end, FB is a cool tool, but should not be solely relied upon as one's primary Web "shoe shine box" pulpit. A personalized website works much better! I can recommend several excellent designers whose prices will hopefully fit your budget. Please see the attached links.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Ode to the year that was & ain’t no more
This is a Re-post from last year that never really got published...
Thursday, 01 January 2009 16:44
You will probably read about and hear many things about the year 2008. Afterall this is a time of reflection. We are usually inundated with video tributes and highlights from various media outlets. All showing images of people , place, & things that had aome affect on our lives.
The stories from 2008 will be told for many years to come. A lot of things went down; good & bad. The list is long and I won't even attempt to recount it all, but I shall make mention of a few things that caught my attention and made me sit up and take notice.
In non chronological order, the first thing I think about 2008 was the collapse of major institutions. Whether it was huge investment firms on Wall Street or small mom & pop shops on Main Street, there was an unprecedented large number of business closings. That is never a good sign!
I live in a small town purposely. As I ride through town on my bike, I see first hand the effects the economic slowdown has had on our Main Street businesses. Many, who existed for years, have closed their doors forever. Others have discounted their merchandise up 70% off. That's no way to stay in business.
Please support your local merchants! They really need your help!
America is a capitalist country where the principles of "Survival of the Fittest" apply to just about everything! The biggest will typically eat up the smallest. If you're mortally wounded, you're probably better off dead. When it's your time to go, the vultures are usually circling up above. Head the signs.
This leads me to the next thing that caught my attention...BAILOUT MANIA! $700,000,000,000.00!!!??? I don't even know if that's enough zeros. Yell And please know that that's not all of the money that the Gov't dished out to whomever came asking. My issues are simple. Why give our (taxpayer) dollars to companies that won't give it back to us? Why not give it to us, the taxpayers? And I don't mean that $600 joke of a gift that W sent out this year. A friend of mine & I sat and ran some numbers; we broke it down the other day. If you paid your taxes, you should be entitled to at least a check for $100,000.00. Think about what that would do for the economy. Some would spend it all immediately...that's good for the economy, some would pay bills, save a little, and spend the rest...that's good for the economy, others would invest it in a variety of businesses...that's good for the economy. No matter how you look at it, it's a win for our economy. We as taxpayers are rewarded w/our own dollars and we get to see the money flow through the system. Real transparency.
No what happened instead, the rich got richer and the poor and many others stayed broke! Don't believe me, google end of year Wall street bonuses. I'm simply mad at the system. Not the players. Some of the players are friends of mine. As we say, "Hate the Game, not the Player!"
The surprising number of deaths that caught us by surprise was shocking. We lost many more great legends in the fields of music, dance, sports, comedy, politics, education, literature, science, & history. I won't give a complete list but say the list is long. That is an issue considering as a whole, we aren't making them like we used to. By that I mean the younger generations may have technological advances on their side, but the older generations had a unique sense of strength & fortitude. It's hard to replace an icon!
Many milestones were achieved in 2008. Michael Phelps 8 gold medals was cool to watch! Usain Bolt's domination in the sprints was even more amazing! The Patriots near perfect season! The Lions perfect 0 win season! There were many great sports moments! ESPN will do a much better job than I! Make sure you tune in.
The relentless pursuit of OJ finally came to an end. Obama won! Hillary Lost! We all had to endure the Sarah Palin 15 minutes of fame turn into an never ending hourglass.
The biggest thing to come to an end this year (basically), the end of the Bush regime! I think it is safe to say that I am not the only one happy to see him go! Adios Tex! That was the longest 8 years off my life. We can all look forward to a brighter day which soon will come. Nous ne voulons plus pas ce homme dans la maison blanche! To translate...we don't want that man in the white house anymore!Your time is up; it's time to go! We have another saying, "See ya, when we see ya!"
You will probably read about and hear many things about the year 2008. Afterall this is a time of reflection. We are usually inundated with video tributes and highlights from various media outlets. All showing images of people , place, & things that had aome affect on our lives.
The stories from 2008 will be told for many years to come. A lot of things went down; good & bad. The list is long and I won't even attempt to recount it all, but I shall make mention of a few things that caught my attention and made me sit up and take notice.
In non chronological order, the first thing I think about 2008 was the collapse of major institutions. Whether it was huge investment firms on Wall Street or small mom & pop shops on Main Street, there was an unprecedented large number of business closings. That is never a good sign!
I live in a small town purposely. As I ride through town on my bike, I see first hand the effects the economic slowdown has had on our Main Street businesses. Many, who existed for years, have closed their doors forever. Others have discounted their merchandise up 70% off. That's no way to stay in business.
Please support your local merchants! They really need your help!
America is a capitalist country where the principles of "Survival of the Fittest" apply to just about everything! The biggest will typically eat up the smallest. If you're mortally wounded, you're probably better off dead. When it's your time to go, the vultures are usually circling up above. Head the signs.
This leads me to the next thing that caught my attention...BAILOUT MANIA! $700,000,000,000.00!!!??? I don't even know if that's enough zeros. Yell And please know that that's not all of the money that the Gov't dished out to whomever came asking. My issues are simple. Why give our (taxpayer) dollars to companies that won't give it back to us? Why not give it to us, the taxpayers? And I don't mean that $600 joke of a gift that W sent out this year. A friend of mine & I sat and ran some numbers; we broke it down the other day. If you paid your taxes, you should be entitled to at least a check for $100,000.00. Think about what that would do for the economy. Some would spend it all immediately...that's good for the economy, some would pay bills, save a little, and spend the rest...that's good for the economy, others would invest it in a variety of businesses...that's good for the economy. No matter how you look at it, it's a win for our economy. We as taxpayers are rewarded w/our own dollars and we get to see the money flow through the system. Real transparency.
No what happened instead, the rich got richer and the poor and many others stayed broke! Don't believe me, google end of year Wall street bonuses. I'm simply mad at the system. Not the players. Some of the players are friends of mine. As we say, "Hate the Game, not the Player!"
The surprising number of deaths that caught us by surprise was shocking. We lost many more great legends in the fields of music, dance, sports, comedy, politics, education, literature, science, & history. I won't give a complete list but say the list is long. That is an issue considering as a whole, we aren't making them like we used to. By that I mean the younger generations may have technological advances on their side, but the older generations had a unique sense of strength & fortitude. It's hard to replace an icon!
Many milestones were achieved in 2008. Michael Phelps 8 gold medals was cool to watch! Usain Bolt's domination in the sprints was even more amazing! The Patriots near perfect season! The Lions perfect 0 win season! There were many great sports moments! ESPN will do a much better job than I! Make sure you tune in.
The relentless pursuit of OJ finally came to an end. Obama won! Hillary Lost! We all had to endure the Sarah Palin 15 minutes of fame turn into an never ending hourglass.
The biggest thing to come to an end this year (basically), the end of the Bush regime! I think it is safe to say that I am not the only one happy to see him go! Adios Tex! That was the longest 8 years off my life. We can all look forward to a brighter day which soon will come. Nous ne voulons plus pas ce homme dans la maison blanche! To translate...we don't want that man in the white house anymore!Your time is up; it's time to go! We have another saying, "See ya, when we see ya!"
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